

Dear pastor or church leader,

Have you considered what it takes to reach unchurched families in your community these days?

Quite simply, it’s a different world. The days of opening the doors on Sunday and seeing the pews fill to capacity are long gone for most churches. Yet a greater spiritual hunger exists in the people living in the homes and apartment buildings around our churches than ever before.

There are three primary reasons churches today are not growing …

  • Not enough first-time visitors (“Visitor Attraction”)
  • Visitors who come but don’t return (“Visitor Retention”)
  • Those who do return don’t get involved (“New Member Integration”)

If any of these conditions apply to your church, then Mighty Outreach International has a solution for you. We offer fast-paced FREE Seminars offering the latest field-tested practical and creative tools for effective outreach and church growth.

At Mighty Outreach International, we are sold out to God with NO PLAN B and fired up for God with our hearts ignited and set ablaze with a jumbo size deep passion for lost people who really matter to God. He sent His son Jesus Christ “to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10). It is very humbling and indeed it is a unique privilege for us to carry out with great joy our mission of Helping Churches Reach More People for Christ by equipping and training pastors, church leaders and members of congregations.

Imagine … the impact in your homes, and in your community if everyone in your church became spiritually contagious! That is exactly what happens when Christians begin to understand their personal, God-given evangelism style and learn how to naturally communicate their faith with others.

The joy in seeing unchurched children and parents begin a new walk of faith in Christ will energize every church member who has a part in it. It will move your congregation into exciting new initiatives of ministry and outreach. And it will change the lives of families for time and eternity.

For more information about our FREE Seminars, click the links below.



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